
UDK: 628.15.002.23
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 55 (2003) 10
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Geometrical nonlinearity model in statical analysis of shells

Jure Radnić, Alen Harapin, Domagoj Matešan


The geometrical nonlinearity model in statical analysis of shells is described and presented. Influences of great displacements and small deformations are taken into account in the calculation model. This model enables simultaneous analysis of geometrical and material nonlinearity of structures. Elements of a degenerated curved shell are used in calculations. The numerical model for simulation of the geometrical nonlinearity of shells was checked by experimental testing of a slender steel cantilever.

statical analysis, experiment, shell, geometric nonlinearity, numerical model, model of materials


Radnić, J., Harapin, A., Matešan, D.: Geometrical nonlinearity model in statical analysis of shells, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (2003) 10


Radnić, J., Harapin, A., Matešan, D. (2003). Geometrical nonlinearity model in statical analysis of shells, GRAĐEVINAR, 55 (10)
Jure Radnic WEB
Jure Radnić
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Harapin Alen
Alen Harapin
University of Split,
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy
Matesan WEB
Domagoj Matešan
University of Split
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Arcitecture and Geodesy